May 30th, 2010 by Tim Leave a reply »

After coming across these pics on one of the forums I decided it would be a good idea to get a fire extinguisher installed in my Pajero LWB (CK 2000 – 3.2 DID).

There are a number of posts on the 4×4 forums showing some nifty installations, most of the better ones seem to have them installed either on the side or immediately in front of the drivers seat. Whilst this makes obvious sense as it is close at hand, in the Pajero I couldn’t find a nice spot near the seat that wasn’t in the way.

So this is what I came up with –  installing in just inside the rear window.  I simply removed the rear plastic trim and using some large self tappers and some spacers to keep the plastic trim from being squashed, fixed the bracket to the car.  Here is the finished product:

Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher - Pajero
